
Ders Adı Ders Kodu Bölüm Seviye
İstatistik (İngilizce) IST102 Hukuk Fakültesi (%30 İngilizce) Lisans

Dersin Yarıyılı
(Dersin Dönemi)
Eğitim Öğretim Yöntemleri
Teori Uygulama Laboratuar Projeler/Alan Çalışması Seminerler/Çalışma Grupları Diğer Toplam Kredi AKTS Kredisi
14x2 35 77 2 2

Ders Sorumluları Prof. Dr. Mustafa Yavuz ATA
Dersin Sunulduğu Dil İngilizce (English)
Dersin Türü Zorunlu
Ön Koşul No.
Ders İçin Önerilen Diğer Hususlar
Dersin Amacı This course is designed to enable you more effectively to understand, recognise and manage statistics and probability statements used by expert witnesses, not just statistical witnesses. It also provides you with case studies which will enable you to think through how to challenge expert witnesses more effectively and assess the admissibility or reliability of their evidence. Statistics and probability are complex topics if they are approached professionally and necessitate a good deal of mathematics. But don’t worry, the main goal of this course is not to make you a statistician. The course won't dwell in sophisticated techniques of statistics that require mathematical and computational talent. However, some mathematics is inevitable to appreciate some very fundamental concepts of statistics and probability. But the required mathematics has been kept at a minimum to achieve the objectives of the course.
Dersin İçeriği Statistical thinking is fundamental to prediction and there are virtually no acitivities that humans engage in that don't involved prediction. Drawing inferences from quantitative data lies at the heart of many legal and policy decisions. This course provides the tools, concepts, and framework for lawyers to become sophisticated consumers of quantitative evidence and social science. The course will begin with an overview of basic statistical concepts that will bring everyone to the point where they can read and evaluate empirical studies. Experts in every type of discipline, appearing in every type of court and tribunal, habitually base their evidence on statistical data. So expert evidence, whether in pre-trial or in court, will increasingly include a statistical element and it is vital that this is used effectively. To improve the reliability of expert evidence, to ensure an evidence which includes statistics and data is used more effectively, for everyone’s benefit a proper understanding of the way in which statistics can be used – and abused – is an essential for every participant in a legal decision
Dersin Öğrenme Çıktıları (ÖÇ) · understand, recognise and manage statistics and probability statements used by expert witnesses · identify the main traps and pitfalls a legist meets when handling statistical evidence · look out for, introduce you to the basics of statistics and probability, and provide some links to where you can find more information · investigate further opportunities for Professional development in the understanding, interpretation and presentation of statistical and probabilistic evidence · consult more effectively with appropriate expert witnesses in the preparation of cases.
Dersin Veriliş Biçimi Örgün Öğretim
Dersin Gidişatı
Hafta Konular
1. Hafta Defining aspects and coverage of Statistics at court work, law making, legal research and forensic sciences; concept of statistical variable; presentation of numerical data; concepts of distribution; empirical and theoretical distributions, on distributions concerning legal matters.
2. Hafta Data collection and generation; editing process and legal databases; arrays, ungrouped and grouped frequency distributions; utilizing insight into grouping of data; data in nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales; data use in law and related areas of concern.
3. Hafta Statistical rules for grouping; group limit design; legal prohibitions in providing data sets and presenting distributions; continuity and discreteness in statistical grouping and legal approaches; open groups; lexical and operational definitions of variables for legal work; bias within groups.
4. Hafta Group width and representative values; arithmetic, geometric, harmonic and quadratic group representation; on closing gaps among groups; use of grouped data by law making procedures; avoiding or diminishing the grouping bias; estimation of group limits with equal group intervals; Sturges’ rule.
5. Hafta Generating derived distributions; relative and cumulative distributions; equal density distribution; chained applications; juristic work examples; derived distributions with variable transformations; univariate variables out of multivariate concepts; law making criteria; other legal uses.
6. Hafta Graphical illustration of distributions; advantages and limitations; frequency polygon, frequency curve, histogram and allied depictions; open group treatment; graphical comparisons by legal research; points to ponder in legal research; prohibitions on graphical misuse.
7. Hafta On defining properties of distributions; uses in law making basic research; classifying the properties; basic principles for measurement in the presentation and illustration of legal data; court work, expert decision and advice, and forensic studies using property measures.
8. Hafta Properties of distributions according to the principle of centre of gravity; computations for simple, grouped and ungrouped distributions; measures of central tendency; arithmetic mean; legal comprehension underlying the mean concept.
9. Hafta Specific means for special uses in law; geometric, harmonic and quadratic means; computations and mathematical facilitiesfor computations; limitations of use; related legal applications. (Around this time point, a mid-term exam might take place!)
10. Hafta Measures of dispersion; basics of standard deviation idea; on uses of dispersion measures in law; variance and standard deviation; standardized dispersion measures; coefficient of variation; concept of similarity; mathematical and law based interpretation standards.
11. Hafta On the concept of symmetry and asymmetry by distributions; skewness and its extent; measures of skewness; m’3 moment as a standardized measure of skewness; interpretation of skewness direction; kurtosis of distributions; measures of kurtosis; m’4 standardized measure; uses in legal work; interpretations.
12. Hafta Subdividing a distribution by a specific ratio; requirements by legal discussions; dividing ratio point by grouped distributions; principle of dividing ratios to be applied to property measures; on the reverse question of subdivision; the median and midquartile; legal applications; interquartile range and allied measures.
13. Hafta Standardised measures of dispersion through dividing ratios; coefficient of quartile variation; Yule’s coefficient of skewness; Kelley’s coefficient of kurtosis; legal work requirements, applications and interpretations; the identification concept behind the distributions according to applied principles.
14. Hafta Principle of culmination and properties of distributions; mode as a measure of central tendency; multimodality and special cases; the need for antimode calculations and antimode; properties of nominal scaled distributions; ratio of variation; entropy; legal applications and uses in legal research; interpretations.
Değerlendirme Ölçütleri
  Toplam Katkısı (%)
Ara Sınav (%) 40
Kısa Sınavlar (%)
Ödevler (%) 10
Uygulamalar (%)
Laboratuar (%) 12
Projeler/Alan Çalışması (%)
Seminerler/Çalışma Grupları (%)
Final (%) 60
Diğer (%)
Toplam(%) 100
Dersin Kitabı ve/veya Kaynaklar Dener, Hasan Işın (2020) Elementary Statistics for the Students of Law, Lecture Notes
Staj / Uygulama
Program Yeterlilikleri (PY) ve Dersin Öğrenme Çıktıları (ÖÇ) İlişkisi




































































