
Course Title Course Code Program Level
Inclusive Education MBS013 English Language Teaching (Starting from 2018-2019 Academic Year) B.A. / B.Sc.

Course Term
(Course Semester)
Teaching and Learning Methods
Theory Practice Lab Projects/Field Work Seminars/Workshops Other Total Credits ECTS Credits
2 28 2 4

Teaching Staff Dr. Şefika TATAR
Language of Instruction Türkçe (Turkish)
Type Of Course Elective
Recommended Optional Programme Component
Course Objectives It is aimed to raise awareness about inclusive education and related concepts.
Course Content “Inclusive Education” course focuses on the necessity of providing equal and quality education to individuals with different characteristics and how this can be achieved.
Learning Outcomes (LO) Those who successfully complete this course are expected to achieve the following outcomes: 1. Explain inclusive education and its basic components. 2. Understand the economic, socio-cultural, educational and legal grounds of inclusive education. 3. Realize the inclusive teacher behavior. 4. Evaluate inclusive education approaches and practices. 5. Discover necessary attitudes and values for inclusive education.
Mode of Delivery Face to face
Course Outline
Week Topics
1. Week Introduction to the Course, Course Description, Objectives and Basic Concepts
2. Week Definition, content and importance of inclusive education
3. Week Philosophical, sociological and psychological foundations of inclusive education
4. Week Legal bases of inclusive education
5. Week Approaches and standards in inclusive education
6. Week Inclusive curriculum and materials
7. Week Technology use in inclusive education
8. Week Midterm
9. Week Teacher roles in inclusive education
10. Week Attitudes and values in inclusive education
11. Week Disadvantaged groups in inclusive education
12. Week Refugee children in inclusive education
13. Week Inclusive evaluation
14. Week Classroom applications suitable for inclusive education
Mid-term (%) 40
Quizes (%)
Homeworks/Term papers (%)
Practice (%)
Labs (%)
Projects/Field Work (%)
Seminars/Workshops (%)
Final (%) 60
Other (%)
Total(%) 100
Course Book (s) and/or References Kuramdan Uygulamaya Kapsayıcı Eğitim. Editör: Doç. Dr. Pervin Oya Taneri. Pegem Akademi. Kapsayıcı Eğitim: Özel Eğitimde Bütünleştirme. Editörler: Prof. Dr. Hasan GÜRGÜR, Doç. Dr. Salih RAKAP.
Work Placement(s)
The Relationship between Program Qualifications (PQ) and Course Learning Outcomes (LO)