Week |
Topics |
1. Week |
The definition, system and sources of law of obligation, the dominant principles and general concepts |
2. Week |
The concepts of receivable, claim, debt and liability, the concept of performance and its types |
3. Week |
The concept of legal transaction, declaration of will and its elements, declaration of will and its interpretation |
4. Week |
Types of legal transaction, the relationship between performance and enrichment and the problemof causation |
5. Week |
The definition and types of contract |
6. Week |
Formation of contract and its legal results, conformity of declarations of will and the scope of such conformity |
7. Week |
Form of contracts, its types and the results of non-conformity with the form requirements |
8. Week |
Freedom of contract and its boundaries, the concepts of non-existence and invalidity |
9. Week |
The concepts of locandi causa, engramme and fictition and their comparisons with similar concepts |
10. Week |
Defective intention and its results, exploitation and its results |
11. Week |
Representation in contract and its boundaries, the concept of promise by announcement, completion and interpretation of contracts |
12. Week |
Adaptation of the contract, liability concept, analysis of the act and damage elements of torts |
13. Week |
Analysis of the causal link, fault and illegality elements |
14. Week |
Strict liability and its types |
15. Week |
The concept of risk liability and especially the liability of the operator of motor vehicle |
16. Week |
Calculation of material and immaterial compensation |
17. Week |
The concept of joint liability and its results, prescription of compensation claims |
18. Week |
The concept of unjustified enrichment, its conditions, enriched party’s obligation to return, prescription period |
19. Week |
The concept of performance, its features, modalities of performance, methods of performance of different obligations |
20. Week |
Performance in synallagmatic contracts, defense of no payment, creditor’s default |
21. Week |
General results of non-performance, agreement for exemption from liability and liability for the acts of assistants |
22. Week |
The concept of debtor’s default and its results |
23. Week |
Liability arising from contract negotiations, contract for the benefit of third person and undertaking the behaviour of a third party
24. Week |
Conditional obligations and types of conditiond |
25. Week |
Penal clause, earnest Money, forfeit money, and transfer of fee |
26. Week |
The legal results of having more than one debtor and creditor |
27. Week |
Assignment of receivables and transfer of debt |
28. Week |
Reasons, which end the obligation |