KLE 503

Course Title Course Code Program Level
General embryology and histology of the reproductive system KLE 503 Clinical Embryology Thesis M.A / M.Sc.

Course Term
(Course Semester)
Teaching and Learning Methods
Theory Practice Lab Projects/Field Work Seminars/Workshops Other Total Credits ECTS Credits
42 28 230 300 4 10

Teaching Staff Prof. Dr. Bilge ONARLIOĞLU
Language of Instruction Türkçe (Turkish)
Type Of Course Compulsory
Prerequisites None
Recommended Optional Programme Component
Course Objectives To teach light and electronmicroscopical a pplications such as tissue obtaining, fixation, tissue processing and staining techniques and also to teach detailed information that begining from gamet and zygot formation until the formation of organism.On the other hand to teach the male and female reproductive system embriyology and histology.
Course Content Introduction to Human begining and the reproductive system
Learning Outcomes (LO) Investigation methods for severa ltypes of lightmicroscopes are concidered togethe rand the aim is to teach theoritical and practical applications of fixation, tissue processing, . Zygot formation, implantation, development of embryonic and extraembryonic structures, development of germdiscs are considered.
Mode of Delivery Face to face
Course Outline
Week Topics
1. Week The aims and methods of histology and embryology,Microscopy, general principles of lightmicroscopy, microscopes fo rhistology types of microscopes and their usages. General procedure, tissue processing: fixation, dehydration, embedding, sectioning, mounting and chemicals used in these procedures
2. Week The aim s and methods of histology and embryology,Microscopy, general principles of lightmicroscopy, microscopesforhistologytypes of microscopesandtheirusages. General procedure, tissueprocessing: fixation, dehydration, embedding, sectioning, mountingandchemicalsused in theseprocedures
3. Week Cellcycle, celldivisions (mitosis, meisosis), cell death mechanisms; apoptosis and necrosis
4. Week The beginning of humandevelopment: cell proliferation, ınvagination, evagination, induction
5. Week Female reproductiv ecycle, oogenesis, ovum, transportation of gametes, maturations of sperms:spermiogenesis, spermiohistogenesis, spermium.
6. Week Uterina land ovarial cyclus, fertilization, cleavage of zygote, implantation, nidation, litareture review
7. Week Second week of developmental periods:Formation of bilamina rembryonic disc.Third week of developmental periods: Formation of germ layers- Gastrulation. Formation of neuraltube-Neurulation, Formation of embriyonic mesoderm and endoderm, development of somites.
8. Week Establishment of body axes. Growth of embriyonic disc. Fourth to eighth weeks: Organogenesis. Placenta and fetal membranes- Recent studies on placenta .Multiple pregnancies and its causes. Literature review.
9. Week Development of male and female reproductiv e systems, histologies of testes and its interstitia ltissue, male reproductive tract. Structure of ovaries, follicular development and function, ovulation types of corpus luteum, functions of uterine tubes are evaluated at light and microscopical levels.
10. Week The histology of the female reproductive system. The structure of the ovary and thefolliculogenesis. Uterus, oviducts, vagina ve external genitalia Histological preparation of female genitale.
11. Week The histology of the male reproductiv system. Testes, intratesticular genital ducts, accesory glands.). Histological preparation of male genitale and embryo slides (Laboratory practice)
12. Week
13. Week
14. Week
Mid-term (%) 20
Quizes (%)
Homeworks/Term papers (%)
Practice (%)
Labs (%)
Projects/Field Work (%)
Seminars/Workshops (%) 20
Final (%) 60
Other (%)
Total(%) 100
Course Book (s) and/or References 1.Kierszenbaum AL: Histoloji ve Hücre Biyolojisi: Patolojiye Giriş. Çeviri Editörü Ramazan Demir, Sayfa:227- 250, Palme Yayıncılık, Mayıs 2006. 2. Junqueira LC, Carneiro J: Temel Histoloji (Çeviri Editörü: Aytekin Y, Solakoğlu S) Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, ISBN: 975-420-467-5, Sayfa: 43-51, 2003. 3.Sadler TW: Langman'sMedicalEmbryology, 10th ed.;Lippincott Williams &Wilkins; Hagerstown, PageCount: 371, 2008. 4. Moore KL, Persaud TVN: TheDeveloping Human: ClinicallyOrientedEmbryology, WithThe Collaboration of Mark G. Torchia. 8 th ed.,pp: 419-430, Saunders- Elsevier; ElsevierScienceHealthScience div, Saint Louis, 522 pp, September 2007. 5.Carlson BM: Human EmbryologyandDevelopmentalBiology, MosbyYearBookInc., St. Louis, MS, 1994.
Work Placement(s)
The Relationship between Program Qualifications (PQ) and Course Learning Outcomes (LO)