Europe Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is learner-centered and depends on student workload. It demonstrates the overall of works (theoretical course, practice, seminar, individual work, exams, homework etc.) of students to complete any lecture successfully. At first considered to be credit transfer system, it is also used for institutional, regional, national and Europe standards to calculate credits. It has been developed by the European Union, ECTS, to ease student mobility, adapt their experience gained in foreign countries to their own countries. Moreover, it helps higher educational institutions develop curriculum, gives opportunity to compare programs under national and international settings and it renders Europe Higher Institute more attractive between continents.
Each lecture given at Ufuk University has got both national and ECTS credit. ECTS demonstrates the overall of works (theoretical lecture, practice, seminar, individual work, exams, homework etc.) of students to complete any lecture successfully. It also shows that obligatory amount that a student has to have each lesson in academic year at any higher educational institutions. The credit of ECTS for one year is determined as 60. Being equivalent to this credit, student workload is predicted between 1500-1800 hours. 1 ECTS is determined as the 25-30 hours work.
1 ECTS credit: 25-30 hours workload. In order to complete one semester (including exam weeks –tally 16 weeks-), students have to be successful in 30 ECTS credit. 30 ECTS credit is related to all activities (lesson hours, homework, project, midterm, final etc.) to be performed by students between 750-900 workload hours.
ECTS credits and marks are demonstrated on students’ transcript.
A student’s predicted annual workload:
- Is between 1500-1800 hours
- One semester=30 ECTS credit=750-900 workload hours
- One year=60 ECTS credit=1500-1800 workload hours