
Course Title Course Code Program Level
LISTENING and SPEAKING SKILLS I MYC101 Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures - Applied English and Translation Studies Associate Degree

Course Term
(Course Semester)
Teaching and Learning Methods
Theory Practice Lab Projects/Field Work Seminars/Workshops Other Total Credits ECTS Credits
42 - - - 58 100 3 4

Teaching Staff Dr. Öğrt.Üyesi Gültekin Boran
Language of Instruction İngilizce (English)
Type Of Course Compulsory
Prerequisites -
Recommended Optional Programme Component -
Course Objectives This course aims to enable learners to gain listening, understanding and speaking skills they need.
Course Content It includes listening and speaking activities presented with videos in book.
Learning Outcomes (LO) 1- Learners do various listening activities about social topics. 2. Learners perform various speaking activities about the topics they listen. 3. Learners improve their lexicology related to the themes they listen and speak.
Mode of Delivery Face to face
Course Outline
Week Topics
1. Week Introduction to the Course. Listening 1 (About countries)
2. Week The relation between listening and speaking skills. Listening 2(Telling jokes) / TOEFL Practice
3. Week Listening 3 (Street Survey) TOEFL Practice / Speaking Practice
4. Week Listening 4 (What's my job) TOEFL Practice / Speaking Practice
5. Week Listening 5 (Team Building) TOEFL Practice / Speaking Practice
6. Week Listening 6 (The sound track of our lives) TOEFL Practice / Speaking Practice
7. Week Listening 7 (Radio phone-in) TOEFL Practice / Speaking Practice
8. Week Midterm Exam
9. Week Listening 8 (Scary Story) TOEFL Practice / Speaking Practice
10. Week Listening 9 (Phone Messages) TOEFL Practice / Speaking Practice
11. Week Listening 10 (Clayton Street) TOEFL Practice / Speaking Practice
12. Week Listening 11 (A scene from a play) TOEFL Practice / Speaking Practice
13. Week Listening 12 (Weather Forecast) TOEFL Practice / Speaking Practice
14. Week Listening 13 (Radio Advertisements) TOEFL Practice / Speaking Practice
Mid-term (%) 40
Quizes (%) .
Homeworks/Term papers (%) -
Practice (%) -
Labs (%) -
Projects/Field Work (%) -
Seminars/Workshops (%) -
Final (%) 60
Other (%) -
Total(%) 100
Course Book (s) and/or References Harmer, J. (2004). Just Listening & Speaking (Pre-int) London: Marshal Cavendish. Hagen, S. A. (2000). Sound Advice: A basis for listening. New York: Pearson Education Inc.
Work Placement(s) -
The Relationship between Program Qualifications (PQ) and Course Learning Outcomes (LO)

At the end of the terms students:

-will be able to improve their listening and speaking skills about various social topics.