
Course Title Course Code Program Level
VOCATIONAL FOREIGN LANGUAGE ING201 Computer Technologies Associate Degree

Course Term
(Course Semester)
Teaching and Learning Methods
Theory Practice Lab Projects/Field Work Seminars/Workshops Other Total Credits ECTS Credits
42 42 3 3

Teaching Staff
Language of Instruction İngilizce (English)
Type Of Course Compulsory
Prerequisites There is no pre-requisite for this course.
Recommended Optional Programme Component
Course Objectives Main purpose of this course is to helip students to learn how study terminology in their field.
Course Content Main content of this course is 'terms'
Learning Outcomes (LO) Students who pass this course successfully will be sufficient in vocational foreign language
Mode of Delivery Face to face
Course Outline
Week Topics
1. Week Introduction to General English - daily vocabulary
2. Week Basic Grammer - short revision of the grammer
3. Week Basic Vocational terms- 1
4. Week Basic vocational terms - 2
5. Week Introduction to the terminology used in programming
6. Week QUIZ 1
7. Week Error messages in programming language
8. Week Midterm
9. Week Error messages in programming language
10. Week Help files in programming language - Translation exercise
11. Week help files inprogramming language & reading passages
12. Week additional terms & error messages & help files in programming & reading short passages
13. Week Quız 2 - termsused in programming language
14. Week General Revision of the term
Mid-term (%) 40
Quizes (%)
Homeworks/Term papers (%)
Practice (%)
Labs (%)
Projects/Field Work (%)
Seminars/Workshops (%)
Final (%) 60
Other (%)
Total(%) 100
Course Book (s) and/or References Infotech - English for Computer Users Necessary articles and terminology will be provided by the Instructor
Work Placement(s)
The Relationship between Program Qualifications (PQ) and Course Learning Outcomes (LO)