
Course Title Course Code Program Level
Addiction and Fight Against Addiction GKS001 English Language Teaching (Starting from 2018-2019 Academic Year) B.A. / B.Sc.

Course Term
(Course Semester)
Teaching and Learning Methods
Theory Practice Lab Projects/Field Work Seminars/Workshops Other Total Credits ECTS Credits
28 - - - - 45 73 2 3

Teaching Staff Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Ayşe IRKÖRÜCÜ KÜÇÜK
Language of Instruction Türkçe (Turkish)
Type Of Course Elective
Prerequisites -
Recommended Optional Programme Component -
Course Objectives Throughout this course, students learn the definition of the concept of addiction, its types, its causes, how to communicate with individuals with addiction, the conceptual frameworks in the literature on addiction, the negative consequences of addiction, and how to cope with addiction.
Course Content Basic concepts and definitions; types of addiction (substance addiction, technology addiction, etc.); causes of addiction; the risk factors in the family, peer group and social context that prepare the person for the substance addiction process; communication skills in dependent children, adolescents and adults; the role of social work in addiction; addiction-related models; efforts to prevent addiction; consequences of addiction; national policy and strategy methods in combating addiction; reintegration process.
Learning Outcomes (LO) 1. Define the concept of addiction. 2. List the types of addiction. 3. Explain the causes of addiction. 4. Explain the family, peer group and society-related bases of addiction. 5. Explain the negative consequences of addiction. 6. Explain the ways of dealing with addiction. 7. Guide families about addiction.
Mode of Delivery Face to face
Course Outline
Week Topics
1. Week Introduction of the course, explanation of the resources to be used in the course, the way the course is conducted, explanations for the evaluation of the course. The concept and epidemiology of addiction.
2. Week Alcohol and drug policies in Turkey and the world, addiction in law
3. Week Causes of addiction
4. Week Addiction diagnosis and evaluation
5. Week Addictive substances, different types of addiction
6. Week Preventing addiction
7. Week Addiction in special populations
8. Week Midterm
9. Week Addiction treatment
10. Week Addiction treatment
11. Week Addiction treatment
12. Week Addiction treatment
13. Week Medical treatments - Factors causing difficulties in treatment
14. Week Treatment locations and general assessment
Mid-term (%) 40
Quizes (%) -
Homeworks/Term papers (%) 20
Practice (%) -
Labs (%) -
Projects/Field Work (%) -
Seminars/Workshops (%) -
Final (%) 40
Other (%)
Total(%) 100
Course Book (s) and/or References Ögel K. (2010). Sigara, Alkol ve Madde Kullanım bozuklukları: Tanı, Tedavi ve Önleme. İstanbul; Yeniden Yayınları. Ögel, K. (2020). Bağımlılık ve Tedavisi Temel Kitabı. İstanbul; IQ Kültür Sanat Yayıncılık. Öztürk, M., Ögel, K., Evren, C. ve Bilici, R. (2019). Bağımlılık; Tanı, Tedavi, Önleme. Ankara: Yeşilay Yayınları. Ögel, K. (2014). Bağımlı Aileleri için Rehber Kitap – Alkol, Uyuşturucu, Bilgisayar, Sigara ve Diğer Bağımlılıkları Olanların Yakınlarına Bilgiler. Ankara: İş Bankası Yayınları. Uzbay, T. (2015). Madde Bağımlılığı: Tüm Boyutlarıyla Bağımlılık ve Bağımlık Yapan Maddeler. İstanbul: İstanbul Tıp Kitabevi DiClemente, C. C. (2016). Bağımlılık ve Değişim. Ankara: Nobel.
Work Placement(s)
The Relationship between Program Qualifications (PQ) and Course Learning Outcomes (LO)